How To Be a Great Piano Teacher Online

How To Be a Great Piano Teacher Online

So you’re looking for ways to turn your skills into an online business. How about becoming a piano teacher online? 

Just like teaching in person, online teaching tacks a special knack. But if you love teaching, and piano is a hobby you’d love to share with others, maybe now is the time to set up your online piano teaching business. 

Here’s what you need. 

Competency in piano playing

This is obvious, but in order to be a great online piano teacher, you have to love what you do. And that means loving the piano so much you play whether you get paid or not. If you sit down regularly at the piano, and you want to share that joy with others, this is the perfect road for you to go down. 

Great communication skills

It’s a little trickier teaching online versus in person. You have to use technology to notice all nuances of a player’s ability, and be able to communicate corrective measures back in a healthy way. What about posture? Is your student sitting correctly? Why are they stumbling over the notes? What is their body language saying? You have to be able to take all that in, and communicate it back in a meaningful way. 


What level of students do you want to take on? There’s a big difference between a beginning and advanced students. The more refinement a student needs, the more credentials you’ll need to help them along. This should give you motivation to keep learning too. 

The right setup

Technology has made online learning easier than ever before. But you and your students will have to have the right tools to make this work. On your end, you should have:

  • A stable internet connection
  • A computer with the right level of technology
  • A headset
  • A microphone
  • A decent HD webcam

Being a world-class musician won’t be good enough in the online world if you get stuck with the basics of technology. If you need to learn computer skills yourself in order to improve your proficiency, do that first before you start offering your services. 

Are you ready to become a great online piano teacher?