Do Piano Teachers Recommend Acoustic or Digital Pianos?

Do Piano Teachers Recommend Acoustic or Digital Pianos?

Shopping for a piano for your child to learn on? As you look at your options, and do a little research online, you’ll quickly find that there are many things to consider.

Should you choose a more traditional acoustic piano? Or should you opt for a digital piano, bringing today’s technology into use?Do Piano Teachers Recommend Acoustic or Digital Pianos?

While the decision is personal at best, a great place to look for advice is to ask piano teachers what they prefer. Yet even that can lead you down a difficult path. Ask a handful of different piano teachers and you’ll likely get an equal amount of differing opinions. They’ll say things like:

  • “You have to learn on an acoustic piano to truly understand how to play piano.”
  • “Either is okay; the important thing is to get your child to play.”
  • “Digital is a great learning tool because of the many features they offer. Digital can inspire a student to play longer.”

And of course everything in between.

As a piano buyer, what should you do? Which piano will be the right choice for your family?

First of all, a student should have an instrument they want to play. The piano should inspire them, not become a chore they have to do because it’s on their to-do list. They should enjoy playing it, love making music with it.

What does your child think? If they are too young to understand the difference, they may do well sitting at a more traditional piano. But if they are approaching middle or even high school, they may have a mind of their own when it comes to what they desire. Don’t fight their wishes; embrace them to inspire them to create music every day.

Then talk with a handful of piano teachers to find out their recommendations. Some teach from a more traditional style. Some mix it up, preferring to teach a variety of sounds … from classical to jazz to pop. Some may even teach on a variety of instruments, and can offer different opportunities for both group and individual lessons.

Use their recommendations to determine the best choice for your family.