Buying a Used Piano: Craigslist or Dealer, Which Is Better?

Buying a Used Piano: Craigslist or Dealer, Which Is Better?

When you’re in the market for buying a used piano, places like Craigslist can be appealing. With a quick search, you can bring up several pianos in your area. Who can ignore the low, low prices? And who can ignore catch-lines like: You haul it, it’s yours for free!

That can save you a lot of money when you’re first starting out with your new hobby. Why not take what you can find on Craigslist? What would make a piano dealer better?

#1 You’ll avoid a broken-down piano

If you’re an experienced piano player, you may recognize a faulty piano through pictures, the words the private party uses, or even from a first glance when you walk into the room. 

If you’re new to playing the piano, you don’t have that skillset yet. A piano may look good on the outside, but it could be a lemon in the ways it plays. 

When you buy a used piano from a dealer, their reputation is on the line. They thoroughly inspect all used pianos, make the necessary repairs, and sell it to you with confidence knowing you’ll be able to play it for a long time. 

#2 You’ll learn by comparing

A piano is a big-ticket item. It’s not something you’ll be replacing soon. As you make your final selection, it’s important to ensure you have a piano that sounds good to your ear. 

Buying through Craigslist means you have one opportunity to buy – take it or leave it. When you visit a dealer, they can show you multiple pianos at your price point. You can sit down and play them, hear them, and feel which one is right for you. 

#3 You’ll get a warranty

Private sellers have one goal in mind: to sell the piano. While you might be able to bring a technician along to check the piano over, you’ll be limited to making your decision in a short timeframe. 

When you trust a dealer who is a part of the community, you’ll have their reputation behind them. Their goal is to turn you into a happy customer who will tell others about your experience. They want to make you happy and put warranties behind the action. 

#4 Your piano will be delivered

Buy a piano from a private party and you’ll have to bring a truck with you. Try to move a piano yourself and you’ll discover just how bulky and heavy they are. (And fragile!)

Moving a piano takes a particular skill to ensure it arrives safely without damage. Damage doesn’t always show up on the outside. With over 10,000 pieces, it’s often the intricate details that matter most. With a dealer, they will ensure it arrives safely, and often provide the first tuning to make sure your piano is ready to play from the moment it’s delivered to your home.  

Are you thinking of buying a used piano?

Stop by today. We have an extensive line of high-quality used pianos that will reliably serve you for years to come. Why risk buying a used piano on Craigslist when you’ll receive the best. Compare, and find the right piano for you today.