Buying A Keyboard: What You Should Know

Buying A Keyboard: What You Should Know

What’s on your child’s wishlist this year? If they love music, if they love playing with technology, a new keyboard may be at the top of their lists.Buying A Keyboard: What You Should Know

When purchasing an acoustic piano, it’s wise to look at both the new and the used market because of the many benefits. Because an acoustic piano can last for decades if well maintained, it can be transferred from generation to generation for years of enjoyment.

With a keyboard, that isn’t so. Keyboards manufacturers in general release new models about every two years. And because technology changes so rapidly, in just a few years, a keyboard can be such old technology that it no longer works with current software and design.

Which means if a keyboard is in your future, it may be best to think for the short term, and upgrade every few years as your child’s music knowledge increases.

When considering a keyboard, there are a few basic criteria that every keyboard should have:

  • 5 octave keyboard minimum (61 keys)
    Full size keys (they should match an acoustic piano’s keys)
    Touch sensitive keys
    A full range of sounds and rhythms

The more advanced your child’s skills are, the more features you can invest in.

In some ways it is better to purchase keyboards that match your child’s abilities. As they grow and change, they will have a better understanding of what is possible and what they want to do. That makes shopping for the next keyboard that much easier, because you’ll have specific features to shop for.

When looking at new models, don’t worry as much about how new the technology is, or when the newest models will be released. If it’s the right price and has the right features for your child’s needs, it will be a reliable addition to your family and provide many years of enjoyment.

In addition to purchasing the keyboard, there are a could of accessories that can add to the experience. Headphones are a welcome addition to give your child the ability to play at any time, without interrupting other family members around them. Most types of headphones will work with your keyboard, and come with the standard 6.35mm stereo jack.

A keyboard stand from the same manufacturer as your keyboard can also be welcome purchase. By purchasing a stand from the same manufacturer, you will ensure that screws and holes align, and the keyboard remains stable and in place no matter how much playing it receives.

Have additional questions? Need help purchasing the perfect keyboard for your child? Stop by today.