Are Your Child’s Piano Lessons Successful?

Are Your Child’s Piano Lessons Successful?

Investing in your child’s education is an all-consuming process. You work diligently to ensure you choose the right teachers, the right activities, and do what you can to keep them happy and engaged. 

Music is one of the best core activities you can give them, which is why so many parents bring a piano into their homes the first few years of a child’s life. Unlike sports, music stays with a person for life. They can play at 5 and continue to play until they’re 105. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.  

Still, it’s difficult to track how well your child is doing. You’ve hired private piano lessons, but are they working for your child? What does it take to make piano lessons successful? 

Every child is different. Piano teachers have their own approach to learning. Before you sign up with a private teacher, it’s a good idea to understand their approach for the first year before you bring your child to their first lesson. This gives you an idea of how to help your child strive for a goal. 

The first month – this is all about the basics. Teachers will help students understand placement of both the right and left hand on the keyboard. They’ll start to play simplistic songs that use just five fingers on each hand. No stretching to multiple octaves yet. It’s all about coordination. 

Three months – as a student discovers finger placement, they’ll start putting note names to the music. They’ll find bass clef and treble clef, and be able to identify notes quickly. They’ll also pick up rhythm, learning the difference between whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, etc. 

Six months – by now they’ll have a practice routine in place. Students will understand scales and be able to play them with ease for warmups. They’ll be familiar with basic composition, knowing how sharps and flats work. They’ll be able to take their learning and apply it to new music. They should be able to play simplistic versions of their favorite songs.  

One year – comfort continues to build with creating music. They should be able to easily identify notes and increase comfort levels of playing scales. They’ll move into chords and be able to add sophistication to their music. Depending on their age and ability, they may pick up chords easily. This is a time to grow and stretch with what they’re learning. 

Do you see your child anywhere on this list? Open communication is a must with your child’s piano teacher. Ask how you can help your child continue to love playing the piano. 

Piano lessons are an ebb and flow throughout their lives. The important thing is to continue to love the process. That may include playing in a group, joining a band, or simply using it for relaxation and enjoyment. 

Are your child’s piano lessons successful? What’s your secret?