Are Piano Lessons Really Worth It?

Are Piano Lessons Really Worth It?

Many of us are rethinking where we spend our time. We’re getting back to simpler times, where we spend more time at home doing things we love. 

Does that include making music? Are you contemplating bringing a piano into your home? Are piano lessons really worth the time and effort? 

Hobbies are what give us inspiration for a life well lived. From cooking to sports to making music, it can be a stress reliever as well as keep us motivated. 

Yes, you can learn piano on your own. But should you? Are piano lessons really worth it? This guide will help you evaluate your options and determine if lessons are the right avenue for you. 

Learning has changed over the years

As adults, many of us were introduced to music at a young age. Your parents may have placed you in piano lessons in grade school, or introduced you to music through your local school band. 

Do you remember playing and practicing prior to the internet? Chances are you visited a home in the neighborhood where someone provided lessons one day a week. You learned based on how well that person played. You didn’t have opportunities to “shop around” for the best instructor. Unless you thoroughly loved making music, and pursued it in school, your hopes and dreams grew or died based on how well that person performed their instruction. 

That’s no longer the case. Thanks to the internet, you have the opportunity to learn in any style that works for you. Want one-on-one instruction? Prefer video challenges? Want group format? Prefer to make a game of it? All of that is possible … and more. 

We also have YouTube. If something challenges you, with a little research, you can find videos that will describe how to overcome your questions in a matter of minutes. You can quite literally improve your playing by learning from the best of the best, all over the world. 

Piano lessons today are all about refinement. They’re about getting you the instruction you need, when you want it, in the format that works best for you. 

Today’s lessons include

Are piano lessons worth it? They are if you want to improvise. Luckily, you can find different lesson types in whatever manner works best for you. 

  • Individual instruction
  • Group format
  • Video lessons
  • In person classes

You can find instruction for free on sites like YouTube. Or you can receive master coaching from some of the best piano players in the world. 

Your first step is deciding now is the time to take up the piano, and make piano playing a bigger part of your life.