Age Specific Benefits Of Playing The Piano

Age Specific Benefits Of Playing The Piano

Who do parents incorporate music training into their child’s life at an early age? If you’ve done any amount of research, you know that music brings a wide variety of benefits at every age. Playing the piano can do everything from helping you in school, to taking stress away as you age. It’s the perfect gift to give everyone no matter what your age.Age Specific Benefits Of Playing The Piano

But what are the specific benefits of playing the piano?

Newborns to 5 years old
While a child at this young age cannot pick up the nuances of piano playing, they can be introduced to music participation. The earlier they engage in active musical participation, the more benefits they have in enriching the brain’s development. Kids with a love of music transition into the academic world at a younger age, show more advanced language development, and also show increased opportunities in math and science skills. They develop ear training skills, with enables them to have a lifelong ability to match pitch.

5 to 8 year olds
This is the perfect age to introduce piano playing skills into their lives. By engaging in regular piano playing practice, all regions of their brains and engaged. This is the formative years, which allows enhanced academic performance and heightened hand-eye coordination to develop. This will continue to help in a variety of ways as a child ages, including better skills in sports, computers, chess, even engineering skills.

8 years to adult
By playing the piano consistently as they age, a child will learn to create orderly storage and retrieval methods of information. This helps them develop stronger functions in intellectual development, both socially and academically.

Adults and Seniors
By continuing to play the piano throughout your life, studies have found increased human growth hormones staying within the body, which can help delay the aging process. The presence of HGH can decelerate Alzheimer’s symptoms, slow down memory loss, even reduce the development of wrinkles over time.

Special Needs
At every age, piano playing can bring a variety of things to life. Piano lessons can unlock verbal communication in previously non-verbal children. It can improve the quality of life in seniors facing dementia.

Ready to make piano playing a part of your life?