5 Accessories You Need For Your Piano Right Now

5 Accessories You Need For Your Piano Right Now

The more we stay at home, the more we come to appreciate the little things. 

Music falls into that category. Where we once spread ourselves thin, running from event to event, barely fitting it all in, we now have time to sit back and think about what’s important. 

If you’ve taken a second look at the piano sitting in your living space, and are dedicated to music a bigger part of your life, there are a few accessories you should invest in now.

Piano stool or bench

You can’t pull up a chair and play the piano correctly. Different players need different heights. If you have an uncomfortable seat, it can impact your posture and hand positioning. It can also lead to poor technique. 

Music stand

Depending on the piano you’re using, it’s important to have the right music stand in the right place at the right height. For grand pianos, you can get sophisticated and decorative. For a digital keyboard, something portable may be your top requirement. It’s important to get one of high quality that can withstand years of use. 


Piano practice doesn’t always occur in the middle of the day with perfect natural lighting. That’s why having the right light is so important. Can you see the music without squinting, moving forward, and losing your good posture? Does it add or detract from your music room? With so many options in piano lighting, find the one that’s right for you. 


Think headphones are only for keyboards? Think again. With many of today’s pianos, headphones aren’t just optional, they’re required for easy practicing. How many times has your household been too busy to practice? By putting a pair of headphones on, you can practice anytime without disturbing those around you. 


All levels of piano players will benefit from having a metronome. It allows you to stay on track with tempo, and improve the way you play through difficult selections of music. It’s great for learning pieces on your own, but is equally important when practicing to play with a larger group. It ensures you’re playing at the proper rhythm. 

Do you have the right piano for your needs? Do you have all the accessories to ensure your piano playing is on target? If not, we can help. Give us a call today, and we can help you outfit the perfect music room for your needs.