How To Make Piano Lessons – And Practice Sessions – Fun!

How To Make Piano Lessons – And Practice Sessions – Fun!

A child should never leave the piano feeling frustrated or overwhelmed.

Piano playing should be fun and enjoyable. It should be challenging and rewarding.

And while a child may occasionally feel frustrated with learning a new task, it should quickly fade as they figure out the patterns and hear the end results at their fingertips.How To Make Piano Lessons – And Practice Sessions – Fun!

If your child ever becomes too frustrated when practicing, it may be time to take a break. Encouragement is needed to ensure they learn problem solving skills and have the ability to see things through. But equally important is learning when to step back and refocus, so they can approach a task in a new light.

Here are a few piano practicing tips that can help them step away from frustration for a moment, before returning to continue.

Pull out an old familiar piece of music
We all like our favorite songs, the ones we hum to and can play even without the music in place. Pull these old favorites out. Then give them new life. Play them faster. Make sections more dramatic. Add the pedal. Discover new ways to add pizzazz to an old song.

Compose their own tune
Even the youngest of students can begin composing their own tunes. They can put together a few bars from familiar pieces, mix things up and add their own notes and rhythms. Perfection is not the goal, having fun is. Combining classical with pop can create funny sounds. Mixing fast and slow rhythms can leave them feeling refreshed.

Ever sat down and tried to play a familiar tune? The more you try it, the better you get. Practice by humming out recognizable tunes and plucking them out one hand at a time. You don’t have to get the entire song out, even a few bars can leave a player feeling like they’ve accomplished a lot.

Pick up a piano game
With an iPad near by, piano games are always just a touch away. Kids today are motivated by games, they play them all the time. Find a few favorites that can pull the frustration away and help them get back into the mood of practicing.

It’s important to talk through frustrations while implementing refocus techniques to help them move forward. Not only will this make them better piano players, it can also teach them valuable life skills as well.

Do you have any other activities you use to make piano practice fun?