As you start your child’s musical journey, buying a piano and signing up for piano lessons is only the first step in a very long process.
Imagine your child playing for years to come, enjoying all of the benefits that come along with playing the piano. None of that can occur if your child reaches a plateau, starts dreading piano lessons, and asks to quit for good.
How can you ensure you pass through these hurdles with ease? How can you encourage your child to keep practicing throughout the years?
Talk with your child about each lesson – ask them to tell you one thing they learned. This interaction can keep the lesson fresh in their mind, and turn it into a positive experience even when they’re in a difficult place.
Be there to help them talk through their weekly goals – sometimes a child can get lost in the sameness of the routine. Be there for them to talk through what they learned for the lesson, and how they’ll apply it to their daily routine.
Establish routines – while they are practicing, what routines can others in your family have? Maybe it’s a quiet time for you to read and relax. Or start dinner if the kitchen’s nearby. If all have a routine and stick with the schedule, it becomes natural as brushing your teeth.
Have impromptu concerts as they accomplish new goals – how about recording a video for a grandparent or other loved one far away? Thanks to technology, you can showcase five minutes of talent anytime, and bring all of your friends and family in on advancements.
Why not turn your student into a teacher – have you wanted to learn the piano too? Why not have your child teach you a few things too? Then you can work on increasing your knowledge, and enjoy the results together.
Encourage creating their own pieces – with the skills they learn along the way, why not have your child develop their own songs? Then have them perform them for everyone in your family.
One of the best ways to improve piano practice is to stay engaged throughout the process. If you’re excited, they’ll be excited. And they may just become a budding musician they’ve been dreaming about.