Starting Piano Lessons: What You Should Know

Starting Piano Lessons: What You Should Know

Already looking ahead to the New Year, and thinking about what you would like your resolutions to be? Instead of sticking with the normal “lose weight” and “exercise more”, why don’t you turn to something you’ve been wanting to do for years?

Starting Piano Lessons: What You Should KnowStarting piano lessons could fulfill a lifelong dream to bring out your creative side.

If you have decided that you would like to learn how to play the piano, the first thing you have to do is decide on a form of instruction. Unless you have a piano teacher in your family or circle of friends, you will need to find an instructor within the Memphis area.

You can always use the internet to find online piano lessons or purchase DVDs to help you learn – but you cannot beat the personal touch of one-on-one interaction with a piano teacher. So, how do you find an instructor?

The first place to start looking is at your local piano store. We’re in the business; we can recommend an instructor that meets your needs and requirements.

You can also speak with church members. They may know of an instructor, or the person that plays the piano for your church may even be willing to give you lessons. You can also contact local schools and speak with the choir and band directors. They may be willing to provide you with lessons, or they may know of some quality instructors. Even speaking with friends and family could put you in touch with a decent piano teacher.

Finally, you can always sign up for an instruction course at your local college. Your choice of instruction depends on the type of learner that you are – whether you flourish in a group setting or in a more private setting. Once you find the right instructor, you will soon be making some beautiful music on your piano.

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