12 Piano Maintenance Tips You’ve Never Thought of Before

12 Piano Maintenance Tips You’ve Never Thought of Before

Owning a piano gives you access to a beautiful instrument that allows you to make music whenever you desire. But owning a piano isn’t something you can place and forget; it requires maintenance from time to time. 

You might already know it will need regular tuning. You might have a soft cloth ready to keep the keys clean. But did you know:

  • Protect from direct sunlight: UV rays can damage the finish and cause wood to warp, so keep your piano away from direct sunlight or use curtains or blinds to shield it.
  • Monitor humidity levels: Invest in a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels around your piano, as extreme fluctuations can affect tuning and cause damage to the wood.
  • Rotate music sheets: If you keep sheet music on your piano, rotate them regularly to prevent uneven fading or discoloration from sunlight exposure.
  • Avoid placing objects on the piano: Keep decorative objects, drinks, or other items off the piano to prevent accidental spills or scratches.
  • Protect floors from casters: If your piano has casters, use protective pads or coasters underneath to prevent damage to hardwood or carpeted floors.
  • Mind the temperature: Avoid placing your piano near heating or cooling vents, as extreme temperature changes can affect tuning stability and wood integrity.
  • Regularly dust the interior: Use a soft brush or vacuum with a brush attachment to carefully remove dust and debris from the interior of your piano, especially around the strings and soundboard.
  • Avoid harsh cleaning products: When cleaning your piano, avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the finish and materials of the piano.
  • Check for sticking keys: Periodically test each key for sticking or sluggish movement, and have any sticky keys repaired or regulated by a professional technician to ensure smooth and responsive playing.
  • Keep the piano level: Ensure that your piano is placed on a level surface to prevent uneven stress on the internal components and to maintain proper alignment for optimal performance.
  • Avoid excessive moisture: Keep liquids away from the piano, and use a dry cloth to wipe up any spills immediately to prevent moisture from seeping into the keys or internal components.
  • Schedule regular inspections: Arrange for periodic inspections by a qualified technician to assess the overall condition of your piano and to catch any potential issues before they escalate.

To own a piano is to love to play. Think of all the ways you’ll make beautiful music together. But without proper care, it might not sound the way you desire. 

Have you ever considered any of these piano maintenance tips before? 

How Upgrading Your Piano Transforms Your Musical Journey

How Upgrading Your Piano Transforms Your Musical Journey

You’ve been playing the piano for several years. You’re excited about the potential of playing in more detail, creating music, and maybe moving forward with it in school or possibly a career. 

It might be time to upgrade your piano. 

If you find yourself at the crossroads, contemplating an upgrade from your starter piano, you’re on the right track to unlocking a new dimension of musical expression.

Assessing Your Current Piano

Before dreaming of a new piano, take a moment to assess your current instrument. Starter pianos, while fantastic for beginners, may present limitations as you progress in your musical endeavors. Perhaps you’ve noticed a plateau in sound quality or encountered technical constraints that hinder your playing. Recognizing these signs is the first step toward embracing the transformative power of an upgrade.

This doesn’t mean your current piano is “bad” or worn down. It simply means you’ve tuned your inner musical voice to wanting something more. 

The Benefits of Upgrading 

Picture the depth of each note, the nuanced touch response under your fingertips, and the sheer joy of playing on a higher-quality instrument. These are the benefits that can elevate your musicality to new heights.

Beyond the tangible improvements, an upgraded piano opens doors to a world of expressive possibilities. The enhanced sound and responsiveness enable you to convey emotions with greater clarity, fostering a deeper connection between you and your music. 

This is where you can start to explore. What do you need to grow? What would make your music even more joyful as you sit down to play? 

Finding the Right Upgrade 

Choosing the perfect upgrade involves carefully considering your musical aspirations and preferences. Visit our piano retail store, where decades of expertise await to guide you through the process. Our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to helping you find the instrument that aligns with your skill level, musical genre, and unique style.

Explore our extensive collection of new and used pianos, each handpicked to meet the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship. Whether you seek the timeless resonance of a grand piano or the versatility of a digital model, our store offers a diverse range to cater to every musical taste.

Your new piano is waiting for you. There is one ready to help you move to the next level of your musical journey. Let’s find out which is the right one for you. 

Sound Investment, Sound Life: The Lifelong Benefits of Owning a Piano

Sound Investment, Sound Life: The Lifelong Benefits of Owning a Piano

In a world filled with digital distractions and constant hustle, finding moments of tranquility and joy is becoming increasingly essential. 

Why not invest in a piano? It’s a timeless investment that not only enhances the aesthetics of your home but also contributes to your overall well-being. A quick glance will show the benefits of owning a piano. You might be amazed at the impact a piano can have on your life. Maybe it’s time to contemplate the purchase of a new piano for your home.

The Gift of Music Education

Learning to play the piano enhances cognitive abilities, sharpens concentration, and fosters discipline. The skills acquired through piano lessons extend far beyond music, positively influencing academic performance and problem-solving skills. By introducing a piano into your home, you create an environment that nurtures a lifelong love for learning. It’s one that lasts a lifetime.

Stress Relief and Mental Well-being

In today’s fast-paced world, stress is a constant companion for many. Owning a piano provides an escape from the chaos, offering a therapeutic outlet for emotional expression. Playing the piano has been linked to reduced stress and anxiety levels, promoting mental well-being. The harmonious tones produced by the instrument have a calming effect, creating a peaceful oasis in the midst of our hectic lives.

Aesthetic Elegance

Beyond its melodic virtues, a piano is a timeless piece of furniture that adds elegance to any home. Whether you opt for a classic grand piano or a sleek upright model, the instrument becomes a focal point, enhancing the visual appeal of your living space. It adds a touch of sophistication that transcends trends.

Family Bonding and Social Connection

A piano serves as a focal point for family gatherings and social events. Imagine the joy of friends and family coming together around the piano, creating memories through music. It becomes a catalyst for bonding, fostering a sense of togetherness and shared experiences. In an age dominated by digital devices, the piano encourages face-to-face interaction and genuine connections.

Investment in Quality

When considering the purchase of a piano, it’s essential to focus on quality. We pride ourselves on offering a curated selection of both new and used pianos, ensuring that each instrument meets the highest standards. Investing in a quality piano guarantees longevity, preserving its rich sound and aesthetic appeal for generations to come.

Expert Guidance

Deciding on the right piano for your home can be a daunting task. Our experienced staff is here to guide you through the selection process, considering factors such as space, budget, and personal preferences. With decades of expertise, we provide the assurance that you are making an informed decision, ensuring that your investment brings a lifetime of joy.

We understand the decision to invest in a piano is not just about acquiring a musical instrument; it’s about enriching your life and the lives of those around you. The benefits extend beyond the auditory realm, encompassing education, mental well-being, and social connections. We are committed to helping you find the perfect piano to enhance your home and elevate your life. 

Invest in a piano today for a sound investment and a sound life.

Piano Feng Shui: How to Position Your Piano for Positive Energy

Piano Feng Shui: How to Position Your Piano for Positive Energy

When you’re on the hunt for a new or used piano, you’ve probably considered factors like brand, size, and sound quality. But before you buy a piano and tuck it into a corner of your home, there’s something else you should consider to take your piano experience to a whole new level: piano Feng Shui. 

Piano Feng Shui is about positioning your piano in such a way as to bring positive energy and harmony into your space. Where do you begin? 

Location, Location, Location

Just like in real estate, the location of your piano matters. Ideally, your piano should be placed in the living room or a space where people gather. The idea is to make it a focal point, creating a harmonious atmosphere for both music lovers and casual listeners. Avoid placing it in a corner or against a wall; instead, give it some breathing room. This not only allows the sound to resonate freely but also enhances the flow of positive energy around your piano.

Embrace Natural Light

Nature is a natural mood booster, and your piano loves it too! Positioning your piano near a window where you can view the great outdoors will add to your wellbeing. Not only does this create a warm and inviting ambiance, but it also adds a touch of positivity to your playing sessions. Just be cautious of direct sunlight, as it can affect the piano’s finish. Consider using window treatments to filter the light and protect your instrument.

Balance with Furniture

In the world of Piano Feng Shui, balance is key. Surround your piano with furniture that complements its presence rather than overshadowing it. A cozy chair or two nearby can invite people to sit and enjoy the music. The goal is to create a harmonious and inviting space that encourages both playing and listening. Strike a balance between functionality and aesthetics to achieve the perfect musical harmony.

Clear the Clutter

A clutter-free space not only looks better but also contributes to positive energy flow. Keep the area around your piano tidy and organized. This promotes a calming environment and allows the energy to circulate freely. A cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind, hindering your ability to fully immerse yourself in the music.

Choose Soothing Colors

Colors play a significant role in influencing our emotions. Consider the color palette of the room where your piano resides. Soft and soothing colors, such as blues, greens, and neutrals, can create a calming environment that complements the harmonious nature of piano music. Experiment with different color schemes to find the one that resonates with you and enhances the positive energy around your piano.

Personalize Your Space

Make your piano space uniquely yours by adding personal touches. Hang artwork or photographs that inspire you. Place a vase of fresh flowers near your piano for a touch of nature. These personal elements will contribute to the positive energy of the space and make it a reflection of your personality and passion for music.

Finding the perfect piano is just the beginning of your musical journey. By incorporating Piano Feng Shui into your home, you can create a space that showcases your instrument and enhances the positive energy and harmony within. 

Whether you’re in the market for a new or used piano, we can help you make your musical haven a place of joy, inspiration, and positive vibes. 

How Pianos Are Built and Why It Matters

How Pianos Are Built and Why It Matters

Whether you’ve played a piano or not, you only have to take a peek inside to realize how majestic they truly are. Thousands of parts come together to form an instrument that takes a lifetime to perfect. 

And even then, pianist after pianist shows that there’s always something more you can do to hone your craft. 

The craftsmanship and materials used in building a piano can make a world of difference in the sound, durability, and overall playing experience. How do you find the one for you?

The Heart of the Matter: The Soundboard

The soundboard is a crucial component responsible for producing the rich, resonant tones that make your heart skip a beat. Typically made from spruce wood, the soundboard’s quality and craftsmanship are pivotal in determining the piano’s overall sound quality.

High-end pianos often feature soundboards made from carefully selected spruce, chosen for its acoustic properties. The wood is carefully aged to enhance its resonance, allowing your playing to be filled with warmth and depth. When you strike a key, the vibrations travel through the strings to the soundboard, creating the magical tones that define a superb piano.

The Backbone: The Frame and Soundboard

The frame, also known as the plate, is usually made of cast iron and provides the necessary support for the immense tension created by the piano strings. A solid, well-constructed frame ensures stability and longevity, preventing the piano from warping or losing its shape over time.

But what about the soundboard’s relationship with the frame? Well, it’s all about balance. The frame and soundboard work in harmony to produce a piano’s distinctive sound. When these components are meticulously crafted, your piano not only stands the test of time but also delivers a tone that resonates with emotion and precision.

The Artistry of Keys and Hammers

High-quality pianos boast keys made from top-notch materials, such as spruce or hornbeam, providing a responsive and reliable playing experience. The weight and responsiveness of the keys can significantly influence your ability to express yourself through the music.

Meanwhile, the hammers, often made of felt, are responsible for striking the strings and creating those beautiful notes. The craftsmanship of the hammers is essential in determining the piano’s dynamic range and tonal subtleties. A well-constructed set of hammers can bring out the nuances in your playing, allowing you to explore the full spectrum of musical expression.

New vs. Used: The Construction Continuum

Does the construction process matter as much when considering a used piano? Absolutely! While a new piano offers the latest advancements in design and technology, a well-maintained, carefully restored used piano can provide an excellent playing experience at a more budget-friendly price.

When considering a used piano, pay close attention to the quality of restoration work. A reputable piano dealer will have a team of skilled technicians who understand the intricacies of piano construction. From tuning and regulation to refinishing, a thorough restoration process can breathe new life into a used piano, ensuring it performs at its best for years.

Making Your Melodies Matter

In the world of pianos, craftsmanship isn’t just a buzzword – it’s the soul of the instrument. Whether you’re investing in a brand-new grand piano or uncovering the hidden gems in the used piano market, understanding how pianos are built empowers you to make an informed decision.

The next time you sit down to play, let the craftsmanship of your piano elevate your musical journey. Because when it comes to creating melodies that matter, the construction of your piano plays a leading role in bringing your music to life. 

And if we can help you find your next piano, let us know how we can help. 

12 Steps to Choose the Right Piano for Your Space

12 Steps to Choose the Right Piano for Your Space

Ready to bring a new piano into your home? Luckily, you have many sizes and styles to choose from. Choosing the right piano for your space is like finding the perfect musical companion. Whether you’re a seasoned pianist or just starting your musical journey, these 12 steps will guide you through the process of selecting the ideal piano that fits not only your musical preferences but also the dimensions and vibe of your living space.

Step 1: Assess Your Space

Your piano isn’t a purchase you’ll tuck away into a drawer or closet. Instead, it’ll be on full display for years to come. Take a good look at the room where your new musical instrument will reside. Measure the dimensions, consider the lighting, and think about the overall aesthetic. This will help you determine whether a grand piano, upright piano, or digital piano is the best fit for your space.

Step 2: Define Your Budget

What’s your budget? Pianos come in a wide range of prices, so it’s crucial to establish a budget early on. Whether you’re eyeing a brand-new grand piano or a quality used upright, having a clear budget will narrow down your options and make the decision-making process more manageable.

Step 3: Decide on Acoustic or Digital

Want traditional? Need portable? Consider the benefits of both acoustic and digital pianos. Acoustic pianos offer the timeless touch and feel of a classical piano, while digital pianos often come with a variety of sounds and the convenience of headphone use. Select a portable piano if that suits your lifestyle. Choose based on your musical preferences, lifestyle, and budget.

Step 4: Test Play Different Models

Visit a reputable piano dealer and spend some time playing various models. Pay attention to each piano’s touch, tone, and overall feel. This hands-on experience is invaluable in helping you find the instrument that resonates with you.

Step 5:  Research Brands and Models

Pianos are not the same. Do your homework on different piano brands and models. Read reviews, ask for recommendations, and gather as much information as possible to make an informed decision. A reputable dealer will be happy to provide insights and guidance.

Step 6: Consider the Room Acoustics

The acoustics of your room can significantly impact the sound of your piano. If your space has hardwood floors and minimal furniture, you may need to consider acoustic treatments to enhance the sound quality.

Step 7: Explore Financing Options

Purchasing a piano is an investment, and many dealers offer financing options. Explore these possibilities to make the purchase more manageable and affordable.

Step 8: Check for Warranty and Maintenance Plans

Ensure that the piano you choose comes with a solid warranty and consider purchasing a maintenance plan. Regular tuning and maintenance are essential for the longevity and optimal performance of your instrument.

Step 9: Factor in Resale Value

If you’re considering a used piano, think about its resale value. A reputable dealer will provide information on the instrument’s history and condition, helping you make a wise investment.

Step 10: Trust Your Instincts

When it comes to choosing a piano, trust your instincts. If a particular instrument resonates with you, both in sound and aesthetics, it’s likely the right choice for your space.

Step 11: Talk with the Dealer

Don’t be afraid to visit a piano shop and talk with the dealer. They want to help you find the perfect piano, and are open to working within your budget to make it happen.

Step 12: Plan for Delivery and Setup

Once you’ve made your decision, work with the dealer to plan for the delivery and setup of your new piano. Proper installation ensures that your instrument will sound its best and be a seamless addition to your home.

Now it’s up to you. Choosing the right piano is a personal and exciting process. No matter where you are on the journey, stop by and discover a piano perfectly suited to your needs. 

It’s the best way to bring music into your family’s lives for years to come. 

Piano Health Check: Diagnosing and Treating Common Piano Issues

Piano Health Check: Diagnosing and Treating Common Piano Issues

Everything is better with music. If that’s your motto, you might have a piano sitting proudly in your home. (Along with a few other instruments!)

If you’re a proud owner of a majestic piano, you know these grand instruments require a little TLC to keep them singing sweetly. It doesn’t matter if they are old or new. A regular piano health check is essential to ensure your keys stay in harmony. 

But what does that mean? What does that look like? If you’ve ever faced one of these common piano issues, we have solutions for you. 

The Symphony of Sounds

Imagine this: you sit down to play your favorite sonata, only to be greeted by a jarring, off-key note. Don’t fret! All you need is a little fine-tuning. 

Like all things musical, Pianos can fall out of tune over time. Changes in humidity, temperature, and even regular playing can cause the tension in the strings to shift.  

Calling a professional tuner to work their magic on your piano can bring back its familiar tones and keep it in pitch-perfect condition.

Voicing Woes

Another crucial aspect of your piano’s sound is voicing. Over time, hammers can wear down or harden, affecting the piano’s tonal quality. If you find your piano sounding a bit too bright or mellow, it might be time for voicing adjustments. 

This process involves reshaping the hammers to achieve the desired tone. While some enthusiasts dare to embark on voicing adventures themselves, it’s often best left to the skilled hands of a piano technician for optimal results.

The Key to Success

Now, let’s talk about those keys. If you’ve noticed a sticky sensation or a sluggish response when playing, it might be time to roll up your sleeves and dive into a little DIY action. Dust and debris can accumulate between the keys, affecting their movement and overall performance. 

A gentle cleaning with a soft brush and a bit of compressed air can work wonders. Avoid oversaturating it with water, as moisture can damage the keys. For a more thorough cleaning, you might want to consult a professional to avoid any key-related mishaps.

Pedal Power

If you find that your sustain pedal isn’t sustaining, it’s time for a checkup. Often, it’s a simple matter of adjusting the pedal or ensuring that the connecting rods are in good shape. However, if you’re unsure about the mechanics, a visit from a piano technician can save you from pedal-related heartache.

The Case of the Creaks and Cracks

Does your piano seem to be speaking its own language with creaks and cracks? This is common, especially for older pianos that have seen a lifetime of melodies. 

Wood naturally expands and contracts with changes in humidity, leading to those sometimes disconcerting sounds. Maintaining a stable environment for your piano can alleviate this issue. If the creaks persist, it’s wise to have a technician inspect for any structural concerns.

The Dusty Dilemma

Pianos, like any cherished possession, gather dust. Dust on the soundboard, in the action, and between the keys can impact the piano’s performance. A gentle cleaning routine using a soft cloth and a feather duster can help keep your piano in top-notch condition. Remember, a well-maintained piano is a happy piano!

In the world of pianos, a little preventative care goes a long way. Regular checkups and addressing issues promptly can ensure that your piano continues to be the soulful centerpiece of your home. 

Need help finding a reliable tuner? Thinking about restoring your well-loved piano? Or maybe it’s time for an upgrade – we can help. Stop by today.

7 Long-Term Benefits of a Well-Made Piano

7 Long-Term Benefits of a Well-Made Piano

So many times, newbie piano enthusiasts focus on the cost. And we get it; pianos can be a bit intimidating when you look at the price the first time. 

But there is more to a piano than just the cost.  

A well-made piano is more than just a musical instrument; it’s an investment in your musical journey and your home. Let’s explore seven long-term benefits of choosing a well-made piano that will have you singing (or playing) its praises for years to come.

Richer Sound

Imagine the warm, resonant tones of a piano filling your home. Well-made pianos are crafted with precision and care, using high-quality materials that enhance their acoustic properties. This results in a richer, more nuanced sound that can truly captivate your audience, whether you’re playing for yourself or a room full of guests. The difference in sound quality is undeniable and can make your musical moments even more special.

Responsive Touch

The touch and feel of a piano’s keys are crucial for any pianist. Well-made pianos feature a more responsive touch, with keys that respond to your every nuance and expressiveness. This means you can convey your emotions through your playing more effectively, making your music truly come to life. Whether a seasoned pianist or a beginner, a responsive touch can significantly improve your playing experience.

Wider Range of Sounds and Effects

Some well-made pianos, especially digital pianos, come equipped with advanced sound technology that allows you to explore a vast range of sounds and effects. From different piano tones to orchestral instruments and even special effects, these pianos can provide endless inspiration for your musical creativity. Whether you want to play classical, jazz, or experiment with modern sounds, a well-made piano can be your versatile companion.

Commanding Appearance

A well-made piano isn’t just an instrument; it’s a piece of art that commands attention in any room. The craftsmanship that goes into creating a high-quality piano is evident in its design, finish, and attention to detail. Whether you choose a classic, elegant look or a more modern style, your piano can become a centerpiece in your home, adding sophistication and character to your living space.


When you invest in a well-made piano, you’re committing to your music long-term. These pianos are built to last, with durable materials and exceptional craftsmanship. They can withstand the test of time, providing you with a reliable and consistent musical companion for many years. It’s not uncommon for well-maintained pianos to stay in excellent condition for generations, becoming family heirlooms.

Enhanced Playing Experience

Playing the piano is not just about hitting the right keys; it’s about the experience. Well-made pianos offer a superior playing experience, allowing you to connect with your music on a deeper level. Combining a responsive touch, rich sound, and a comfortable playing environment can make your practice sessions more enjoyable and productive. As you progress in your musical journey, you’ll appreciate the benefits of a well-made instrument even more.

Value Retention

Well-made pianos hold their value remarkably well. Unlike many other investments that depreciate over time, a high-quality piano can actually increase in value if properly maintained. This makes it not only a wise musical investment but also a valuable asset. Whether you decide to keep it in your family or sell it in the future, you can be confident that your well-made piano will retain its worth.

Does this change your mind? Are you ready to explore what a well-made piano can do for your playability? 

A well-made piano is more than just a musical instrument; it’s a source of inspiration, a work of art, and a lifelong companion on your musical journey. If you’re in the market for a piano, consider the long-term advantages of choosing quality. 

We’re here to answer any questions you may have throughout the process. 

Investing in a New Piano is a Wise Decision for Music Schools 

Investing in a New Piano is a Wise Decision for Music Schools 

If you’ve ever walked into a music school, you know that the sound of a piano can transport you to a different world. The melodic tunes and harmonious chords that emanate from this majestic instrument have the power to captivate our hearts and minds. That is why investing in a new piano is a wise decision for music schools. Not only does it enhance the learning experience, but it also adds value to the institution as a whole.

Let’s face it: a piano is the heart and soul of any music school. It serves as the cornerstone of musical education, providing a solid foundation for students to develop their skills and express their creativity. Whether they are beginners or advanced musicians, a high-quality piano can inspire them to reach new heights in their musical journey.

Why? One of the key benefits of investing in a new piano is the improved sound quality. A well-maintained instrument with excellent sound projection can make a world of difference in a student’s learning experience. It allows them to fully immerse themselves in the music, enabling them to develop a sense of tone, dynamics, and expression. It helps them refine their ear and develop a discerning musical taste.

A new piano also offers enhanced playability. Older pianos may have worn-out keys or sticky pedals, hindering a student’s progress and limiting their technical development. By investing in a new instrument, music schools provide students with a responsive and well-regulated keyboard that facilitates precise control and fosters proper technique. This attention to detail can significantly impact a student’s overall performance and pave the way for future success.

In addition to its musical benefits, a new piano enhances a music school’s aesthetics. When prospective students and their families visit the institution, they will likely be impressed by the sight of a gleaming, state-of-the-art instrument. It demonstrates the school’s commitment to providing the best possible learning environment and adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the space. This positive first impression can leave a lasting impact on potential students, helping to attract and retain a talented pool of aspiring musicians.

And don’t forget cost savings. While the initial cost may seem daunting, older instruments often require frequent tuning, regulation, and repairs, which can accumulate over time. Music schools can reduce these costs by opting for a new piano and allocating resources more efficiently. Additionally, newer models often come with warranties and support from the manufacturer, providing peace of mind and ensuring that the instrument remains in optimal condition for years.

A new piano can also symbolize pride and inspiration within the music school community. It encourages students to strive for excellence and showcases the institution’s commitment to fostering a love for music. It becomes a source of motivation and a tangible representation of the school’s dedication to musical education.

Is it time to invest in a new piano? It can be a wise decision for music schools. It enhances the learning experience, improves sound quality, and gives students a platform to express their creativity. If you’re considering a new piano, go ahead, embrace the power of music, and make a sound investment for your music school. Your students will thank you for it!

The Impact of Age on the Quality and Value of a Used Grand Piano

The Impact of Age on the Quality and Value of a Used Grand Piano

If you’re in the market for a grand piano, you might wonder if a used one is worth considering. While the decision ultimately depends on your personal preferences and budget, it’s important to understand how age impacts the quality and value of a used grand piano. 

Can used grand pianos be quality instruments?

The short answer is yes, used grand pianos can definitely be quality instruments. In fact, many professional pianists prefer vintage and used grand pianos for their unique character and tone. 

However, not all used grand pianos are created equal. There are some exquisite used grand pianos on the market today. But you’ll want to do your due diligence and research the specific model and brand of any used grand piano you’re considering.

When properly maintained, a used grand piano can offer a high-quality playing experience at a lower cost than a new one. The key is in the research. 

How does age impact quality?

Age can impact a used grand piano’s quality in a few different ways. 

First, the piano’s soundboard, strings, and hammers will have been played and worn over time, affecting the sound quality. Additionally, the cabinet may show signs of wear and tear, such as scratches or fading. 

However, age isn’t always a negative factor. Pianos that have been well-cared for and maintained may improve in tone and character over time. It’s essential to have a professional piano technician inspect any used grand piano you’re considering to assess its quality and condition. This is why working with a quality dealer can be a benefit – we do the legwork for you!

Where used grand pianos add value

A used grand piano may be a wise choice if you want the most value for your budget. Not only can you get a quality instrument for a lower price, but there are also some unique features that older grand pianos may have that newer ones don’t.  

For example, some vintage pianos may have ornate cabinet designs or unique finishes that can add character and charm to your home. Older pianos may have also been built with higher-quality materials and craftsmanship, which can offer a richer sound and playing experience.

Is a used grand piano right for you?

When purchasing a used grand piano, there are many factors to consider. While age can impact a piano’s quality, it’s not the only factor to consider. By researching and relying on a professional to learn more about the instrument you are considering, you’ll increase your chances of getting a piano you’ll love for years. 

How can we help you find a used grand piano you’ll enjoy the magic and beauty of for many years to come?