7 Things To Keep In Mind If Buying a Piano For An Institution

7 Things To Keep In Mind If Buying a Piano For An Institution

Are you purchasing a new piano for your church sanctuary? Or do you need a new performance piano for your theater? Looking to replace a piano for your graduate students? Or just need one for your beginning middle school students to start to play?

A lot goes into making the best selection for your needs. Chances are this is a purchase that will last for many years to come. How do you know you’re making the right purchase? 

Start With A Few Questions

Chances are you have some ideas for why you need a new piano. But if you haven’t put all of your needs to paper, do so before you start to shop. Who will be using the piano? How often will it be played? Will the piano stay in one location, or moved periodically from location to location? This will help define your needs. 7 Things To Keep In Mind If Buying a Piano For An Institution


Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, you can start to see what your budget can afford. Don’t select the most “bells and whistles” for your money. Instead, focus on quality. If this piano will last for years – decades – ensure you make the right selection to provide years of quality playing. 

Grand or Upright?

Sometimes the choice is obvious – you only have so much room in your location. But sometimes the choice isn’t so obvious. In most cases, uprights are more for practice areas. They take up less space and provide more workspace for music and scores. Grand pianos are more often purchased for locations where players will be performing, and learning the importance of tonal quality and function. 

Piano Size

Carefully consider your space before making a final selection. This is where a reputable dealer can help the most. If you buy a piano that is too large, you can waste money by not gaining the voice and tone quality the piano is capable of producing. A piano that is too small won’t fill the space with the rich sound you expect. Be open to both vertical and grand piano options, because moving from one to another might be your best option. 

New or Used Piano

If an acoustic piano is well cared for, it can last for decades. Sometimes a used piano can get you the sound and quality you’re looking for. However, this isn’t the time to select one solely based on cost. A lot goes into pricing out used piano technology. A reputable dealer can help you make the right selection for your situation. 

Acoustic or Digital Piano

Digital pianos continue to offer higher quality with every new make and model produced. Depending on your needs, either acoustic or digital can make great additions to your institution. Keep in mind that while acoustic pianos can last 30, 40, 50 years or longer without a lot of restoration, digital pianos often require upgrading every few years to keep up with technology. 

Piano Maintenance

While acoustic pianos can last for decades, they do require maintenance to ensure they stay in top condition. Tuning and repair should be a part of your maintenance routine every year; set a schedule with your local tuner who will help you keep your piano in top condition. While digital pianos don’t require tuning or annual maintenance, they do often require more frequent updates to ensure they provide you with the technology available. 

Have more questions about which piano is right for you? We’re here to help.